As All Hallows’ Eve creeps closer and closer to the River City, lots of us are looking for ways to celebrate — and one of the best ways to get out and do so with your crew is a bar crawl.
To that end, we’ve rounded up four Halloween-themed bar crawls for you to shuffle along with like a hungry zombie in need of brains.
Note: Listed addresses are check-in locations for each bar crawl
Crawloween | Sat., Oct. 29 | 4 p.m. | Republic Bar and Grill, 908 15th St., Sacramento | $15.00-$25.00 | This locally owned-and-operated bar crawl will run through seven venues, including a pizza break at Midici and an afterparty at Social nightclub — just don’t forget to don a disguise.
Halloween Bar Crawl | Sat., Oct. 29 | 4 p.m. | The Zebra Club, 1900 P St., Sacramento | $15.00-$20.00 | Enjoy food and drink specials, no cover charges, and the chance to win $1,000 in the costume contest.
Do the Crawl — Halloween | Sat., Oct. 22 | 4 p.m. | Pete’s 7, 828 J St., Sacramento | $12.00-$20.00 | This downtown and Old Sac pub crawl includes social media games attendees can play during their adventure in-between snapping pics in the virtual photo booth.
Trick or Drink | Fri., Oct. 28-Sun., Oct. 30 | Times vary | Flatstick Pub, 630 K St., Sacramento | $15.00-$45.00 | Hosted by the national brand Barcrawlerz, this crawl’s three-day availability gives guests more flexibility when it comes to planning — perfect for anyone with a busy schedule or who has the liver to go barhopping twice in one weekend.