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🔬 Release your inner scientist at MOSAC over the holidays

The Museum of Science and Curiosity is the perfect place to geek out over the holidays.

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A complimentary visit to the UC Davis Multiverse Theater is included with every ticket to MOSAC.

Photo provided by The Museum of Science and Curiosity

Taking a break doesn’t mean you can’t keep your mind active. The Museum of Science and Curiosity is just the place to entertain kids, to bring out-of-town visitors, or to simply enjoy a little scientific curiosity over the holidays.

MOSAC offers hands-on exhibits, live demonstrations, and planetarium shows to stimulate curious minds of all ages.

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Curiosity isn’t just for kids — plan your next get together with friends or family at MOSAC.

Photo provided by The Museum of Science and Curiosity

Here are a few exhibitions + events we’re hoping to check out:

  • Powering Change | See what the transit, houses, and cities of the future could look like with the transformation of wind, water, and solar-generated power — and how young adults today are taking action to address climate change.
  • Destination Space | Pilot a Mars rover and launch rockets from the International Space Station, andto explore just what it will take to continue human exploration in space.

Plan your MOSAC visit.

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