The LGBTQ+ Experience Project
The City of Sacramento is launching an initiative to document the history of its LGBTQ+ community through the grant-funded LGBTQ+ Experience Project.
Sacramento is home to some monumental historic institutions for the LGBTQ+ community, like the Lavender Heights neighborhood, LGBT Community Center, gay clubs, thriving queer-owned businesses + policy advocacy to support human rights.
So, what does this project aim to do, and how can you participate?
Project Approach
In the next year, city historians will:
- Collect oral history interviews from members of the public through an online portal
- Outsource to individuals + institutions for photographs and other documents to create an archive
- Survey the buildings + other structures of Lavender Heights for its potential as a historic district
- Conduct in-depth historical research to produce a “thematic historic context statement”
Public Participation
Those interested in helping write history can:
- Submit any documents, photographs, or stories through an online portal (coming soon) for the City’s archive
- Sign up for updates on public meeting dates + project progress
- Spread the word about the project to people in the community
And no — you don’t have to identify as LGBTQ+ to help in whatever ways you can. Any and all are welcome to help bring this project to fruition, and fill in an important part of Sacramento history.