January 28, 2024 6AM-Top banner logo-small.png


6AM City In-House pt 2

Special Edition

Welcome to our second of two special edition, wellness-focused newsletters we’ve put together to kick off 2024.

4 daily habits to manage stress
A yoga mat lies on a wooden floor of a mirrored studio, with a window lined with houseplants to the left and string lights along the ceiling.

Yoga is a great way to practice breathing techniques, calming rituals, and connecting with like-minded people.


Photo by SACtoday staff

Take a deep breath, Sacramento. A 2022 study showed 55% of Americans report feeling stressed during the day. While some levels of stress are unavoidable, there are daily activities we can add to our routines to alleviate and manage it.

Here are four healthy habits that can help combat stress:

Step outside

Fresh air and sunlight can do wonders for our stress levels and overall well-being — so grab your coat and head to a local park. Exposure to sunlight is said to increase the brain’s release of serotonin, a mood-boosting hormone.

The colder months mean less sunlight, which can drastically affect mood. Pro tip: If you’re struggling to head out for your morning walk (or the temps just won’t allow it), a sun lamp, which is meant to simulate a daily dose of sunshine, could be a good addition to your routine.

Write it down

When in doubt, write it out. Keeping a daily journal to make note of your feelings is a proven way to relieve stress and get stressors off your mind. Is your pen at the ready? Choose from blank journals or a themed guided journal to add to your morning or nightly routine.

Develop a meditation practice

Meditation can be used as a way to check in with yourself and restore balance. From guided meditations to sitting in silence, meditation offers a host of benefits — including stress relief.

If a “moving meditation” is more your speed, strolling through a local museum can be a great way to clear your head.

Stretch it out

Whether you prefer to take breaks at your desk throughout the day or roll out your yoga mat in the morning or evening (or all of the above), stretching can help eliminate stress that manifests in our bodies (think: tense shoulders, stiff or tight muscles, etc.). Check out these seven stretches to add to your routine, or try out a yoga class at one of these local studios.
What’s your preferred stress management strategy?
A. Getting active with exercise
B. Jotting it down in a journal
C. Setting aside time to stretch
D. Slowing down with a mindful meditation
E. Other
News Notes
  • Did you know? Your brain and your gut are said to be directly linked, and a healthy gut can help improve your mood. Enter: Olipop, a new kind of soda packed with gut-boosting goodness.
  • Breathing exercises can go a long way for stress management, helping to slow your heartbeat and lower blood pressure. Want to give it a try? Check out these five breathing techniques you can do at your desk, on your couch, or wherever you happen to be reading this.
Try This
  • Yogis and beer lovers can unite at Movement Brewing Co. (11151 Trade Center Dr., Ste. 104-105) for a Bend + Brews Yoga event on Tuesday, Jan. 30, at 6 p.m. Bring a yoga mat and some friends for a low key environment, and enjoy a free pint with your ticket.
The Buy
A day of supporting your mental wellness
Equip yourself with some of these favorites and enjoy a whole day dedicated to ease, relaxation, and well-being.

8 a.m. | 🌅 Use a sunrise alarm clock, designed to wake you up gently with gradual light.
10 a.m. | 🍋 Diffuse essential oils in your space to promote relaxation and mindfulness — we like this organic set + ceramic diffuser.
12 p.m. | 📗 Take your lunch with a little reading. Try “Today I Noticed” or “101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think.”
2 p.m. | 🌊 Play white noise, ocean waves, or bird calls as you stretch or meditate with a white noise machine.
6 p.m. | 🦔 Lean into discomfort with an acupressure mat that can stimulate nerves for increased relaxation.
8 p.m. | 🚿 Unwind with a hot shower and an Herbal Zen shower steameryou won’t believe how good they smell.
The Wrap
Madeline Ewing.png Today’s edition by:
From the editor
Guided yoga has helped me tremendously with regulating breath — something I struggle with because of my asthma + anxiety. It’s always amazing to me how much something as “simple” as breathing can impact your day-to-day.

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